Joanne Britton - Founder ECWSCA message from Joanne:
"I've always followed my passions in life and founding the Eastern CT Women's Soccer Club was no different. As a physical educator, it's been imprinted in my brain that you can continue to pursue almost any physical endeavor you want. In the mid 70's I taught PE in a public high school in NH that had a groundbreaking program and a wonderfully fresh philosophy of teaching kids lifetime fitness skills. Every PE course offered was an elective with a curriculum that introduced students to skills that they could use throughout life to stay active and fit and to have fun. I taught kids a lot of individual skills; biking, snowshoeing, hiking, cross country skiing, yoga... and there were a few team sports in the curricula that had lifetime value. Soccer was in that list. Fast forward a bunch of years...and still armed with that core belief, I opened the first season of the Eastern CT Women's Soccer Club in 2001 with five teams, players of all abilities, ages 25+, hailing from 25 towns in the state. It was such a blast that we quickly added a spring season to the schedule. I served as the founder and first president of the league until 2005 and my 49th birthday. It was a wonderful run and one filled with cherished memories and friends that are still in my life on this wild ride. " - Joanne 2019 |
Leigh HancockPresident 2005 -